Serenity House operates an additional 24 beds in 3 separate transitional homes located in Ottawa, to support those men who have successfully completed treatment in a residential facility. A prospective applicant must move directly from that facility into Transitional Housing. There will be a screening assessment; if the participant fits all of the criteria and is interested, there will be an interview.
The homes house 8 men each and provide a safe environment free from alcohol and drugs where people can start to put into practice skills learned in treatment. Best practices suggests at least one year in a drug-free environment for better long-term results; men are encouraged to set short and long-term goals and to develop skills needed to become self-sufficient and return to the work force with a strong commitment to on-going abstinence from addictive substances. This service fills a much needed gap in the community as it provides temporary housing and serves to transition the men from treatment to eventual permanent and affordable housing.
Each person has his own, fully furnished room while sharing common areas with 7 other men. Each is responsible for buying and preparing his own food in an environment where staff offer support services as needed. Men learn to overcome those challenges that have prevented them from enjoying a full, healthy and happy life. Many form friendships that will last a lifetime and that offer a great sense of belonging in community.
This transitional time is up to 364 days, depending on the individual’s needs. Help is available to ensure each person has affordable housing prior to leaving. This service helps many individuals who are at risk of homelessness in becoming stably housed.
For more information regarding transitional housing, please contact